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Learn the Basics 
Master the Mechanics 
Play Pressure Free

Program Information

7 - 9 Years old | 6 PM

10 - 13 Years old | 7 PM

Games Sunday

 2pm and onward



8 Friday Practices

8 Sunday Games


Our goal is to create a Basketball friendly atmosphere for players to learn the game in an environment and at the ease of their learning ability. 


Our focus is ball manipulation techniques and mastery using individual sessions, unopposed and opposed practices, to create an environment where players can develop without the strains of expectation and pressure. 


With the added opportunity to create teams for weekend games on Sunday were they can use the techniques and masteries that they have learnt in a game situation. This is a pressure free environment to help the players gain the confidence needed to develop as a player



8 Week Seasons

Weekly technical training sessions. Fall and Spring Seasons available.

Licensed Coaches

Coaches are experienced and enthusiastic. Sessions created with constant interaction in mind!

Player Comes First

Sessions involve different phases designed to enhance the learning experience. Play and learn at your comfort level!

Laying Foundations

Pressure free environment with game interactions following technical practices.

Spring  '25

7 - 9 years old

Practice Friday 6 pm  

Games on Sunday

Spring  '25

10 - 13 years old 

Practice Friday 7 pm

Games on Sunday

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