November 7,8
December 27, 30, 31*
January 20
February 17
April 14,15,16,17,18
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
*Hours: December 31
8:00 AM -3:00 PM
$25 One-time registration fee
$65/per day for all campers
Grades - K - 6th ONLY
XL SCHOOL CAMP 2024-2025
Welcome to XL SPORTS WORLD School Camp, where we pride ourselves on being Safe, Accommodating, Affordable and Engaging.
Our camp is structured to involve and engage each camper as they learn, play, and grow while having fun. Our dedicated, mature and absolutely fun-loving staff will guide and nurture your child as they explore individual interests, build leadership skills, develop new talents and make new friends. Our goal is to create an environment that facilitates Integrity, Sportsmanship, and Character and of course FUN!
We have a beautiful facility where we are able to offer so many activities both inside and outside. We strive to keep all our campers engaged, active and most important SAFE, while making and building friendships with campers from all over Camden County and beyond.
All information for the camp program can be found in the School Camp Enrollment Packet below.
2024 XL Summer Campers do not need to register for School Camp. To attend you must send in the Enrollment Contract two weeks prior to the camp date. Payment in full is due for all camp dates at the time of enrollment.
School camp is for campers currently in Kindergarten - 6th grade. We can not take any other grades for school camp.
The deadline to register for the December School Camp days ( 12/27,12/30,12/31) is December 19th.